Preview: Words And Actions Should Match
Welcome to SuperSeries: Internal Communications for Sustainability
Entrance Survey
Welcome Video by Dr Julia Goldstein
How to Create or Engage in Forum Discussions
How to Continue to The Next Section/Module
Challenges of Internal Communications
Understanding Sustainability And Its Concept
Words And Actions Should Match
Three Steps Process
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 1 (Suggested time - 40 minutes)
Book Recommendation: Net Positive
Module Overview
Your Starting Point
Mission and Vision
Reality Check
Possible Action Steps
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 2 (Suggested time - 40 minutes)
Module Overview
The Team's Purpose
The Leadership Of Your Sustainability Team
The Chief Sustainability Officer 10 Years Later The rise of ESG in the C-suite
Sustainability Team Members
Aligning Internal Communication With External Communication
Growing Your Sustainability Team
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 3 (Suggested time - 40 minutes)
Module Overview
Message Starts From Within
Benefits Of Change Starts From Within
Case Study: Kao Group
Possible Bottlenecks Part 1
Possible Bottlenecks Part 2
Case Study: Fuji Oil
Case Study: Brewer Science
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 4 (Suggested time- 40 minutes)
Barriers To Transparency: Culture
Barriers To Transparency: Industry
Barriers To Transparency: Inconsistency
Overcoming The Barriers Of Transparency
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 5 (Suggested time - 40 minutes)
Putting It All Into Action
Choosing The Right Communication Channels
Mission And Vision, Your Company's Sustainability North Star
Building Your Sustainability Dream Team
Change Starts From Within
Transparency Breakthrough
Celebrating Small Wins
After Lesson Quiz Briefing
After Lesson Quiz - Module 6 (Suggested time - 40 minutes)
Last Thoughts
Final Assessment Briefing
Final Assessment (Suggested time - 60 minutes)
Exit Survey